ARUBA is only one of hundreds of places you can spend your vacation time

Everybody has a different idea of what they want to do on their vacation. Where you want to go, how you want to get there, what you want to see and do while you are there and how long you want to stay. Then you start thinking about the costs and more and more thoughts come rolling in. Give me the chance to book your next location, travel arrangements, accommodations and even some of your activities. I believe I can get the vacation you want without you having to do any of the research.

I have rail vacations that you would love! Why take the train? What will you do will on the train? You’ll be able to enjoy the countryside, the mountains and valleys, the wildlife, the rivers, the small towns and you never have to worry about “keeping your eye on the road”. Traveling by train/rail gives you a chance to see the world, not just what’s on the side of the interstate. AND you can do a train vacation in the US, Canada, Europe, so many places! We also book cross country, or shorter, Amtrak trips.

Don’t like the idea of the train, then let’s get on the ship and cruise off into the world of open waters. We can plan your cruise to go to almost anyplace you want. You can be gone from 3 days to however long you choice. Visit some beautiful tropical islands, or some historic locations.

Just want to get to wherever and enjoy your time there? Then I have a flight that can take you there while you sit back and close your eyes. When you arrive you will be ready to vacation!